We help lifelong learners organise their knowledge.

If you want to work in a fast growing start-up, using the latest technologies to tackle cool problems, this is the place to be.

Backend Developer @ Deepstash
Paid internship at Deepstash · Starts after academic term
  • – Artificial Intelligence
  • – Cloud computing
  • – Mobile
  • room București

Think of Deepstash as your personal library of thoughts and knowledge. A daily source of inspiring & life-changing articles and ideas.

We’re a rapidly growing startup with over 10 million users and a spot among the top charts on the App Store.

What we’re looking for

We are looking for a Django developer with a passion for product and delivery. This is the type of job where you are pushed in cold water and you have to learn to swim by yourself. Your personality and your traits matter more than your tech expertise.

Tech wise? We got you. We're looking for these:

  • Experience with Python/Django.
  • Experience building and maintaining APIs.
  • A strong grasp of algorithms and data structures, with the ability to apply them effectively to solve real-world problems.

Seems like a demanding internship, right? Why would you do it?

  • Because you need a purpose in your life.
  • Because working a 9 to 5 job, in a large team, detached by the effects of your efforts sounds awful to you. Because you want your work to matter!
  • Because you understand that assuming responsibility is the only way to grow and develop yourself. Muscles don’t grow while you Netflix and chill on your sofa, but through the pain and sweat in the gym. The same is true for your career and your life.
  • Because you will be part of a fantastic team of diverse top-performing individuals. And you understand that an entourage of self-driven people is the best gift for your future.
  • Because you are intelligent to know to never surrender your opportunity for security. You can always get a cozy secure job, but opportunities to join greatness are far in between.
  • Because you're young and this is the best time to start accelerating towards who you want the next you to be.

We offer good salary and comps as well as unlocked future potential in the company.